Star of David represents infinity
in space and it means "as
above so below". The extraterrestrials
who created human beings in their
laboratory proved scientifically
that the infinitely small has
the same structure as the infinitely
large. In other words, in each
cell of our body, there are infinite
numbers of universes in which
one can find planets on which
live intelligent people just like
us. The universe which surrounds
us is a little part of a huge
living being and there is a bigger
universe above the being. It goes
on to infinity for both small
and large.
represents infinity in time. Everything
in the universe exists forever
changing its form. The same goes
for both infinitely large and
infinitely small. Matter and the
energy are exactly the same and
there is no beginning and no end.
Everything circulates. Around
the 5th century BC the philosopher
Heracles said, "Nothing is
born and nothing disappears. Everything
just changes its form."
people thought the symbol used
by their creators was sacred and
kept it. Traces have been found
in relics all around the world.