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The Extra-Terrestrials Elohim are confirming that the Prophet Rael is indeed the Buddha born in the West. In the Agon Sutra it is predicted that Buddha will be born in the country of the Cock. So then, as predicted in the Buddhist sutras, is Maitreya Rael actually the Buddha from the country of the Cock?
There are people in Korea who say that our country is the country of the Cock and therefore the Buddha will appear in our country.

Seorabeol, Kerim(Cock Forest), as the birthplace of the founder of Shinla Kim Al Ji, was called Cock Forest in the early days of Shinla, and some people think that Korea is the country of the Cock because of that, but it's sort of jumpy.

So actually how many Korean people believe that Korea is the country of the Cock? Based on Mythology of opening of Korea, Korea is not the country of the Cock but the country of the bear.








The Extra-Terrestrials Elohim are confirming that the Prophet Rael is indeed the Buddha born in the West.

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